Projects - Jack Line

This one requires the dodger support project to be in place, but it really works well.

Having a jackline down the centerline of a catamaran has a big advantage - at least with MY harness and tether. I CAN'T go over the side even if I wanted to! The wide beam of the cat and the jackline being 7 feet from either gunwale means that I stop short of either of the lifelines.

I clip the jackline to the base of the mast (the turning block attachment point. I tie the bitter end to the dodger support tube, pulling it real taught.

With this setup, I can clip onto the line at the back of the cockpit and go forward to the mast while the tether's caribiner slides over the dodger and forward.

If I need to go further forward, I unclip the tether while holding on at the mast and clip it to the babystay "U-bolt". From there I can attend to anything forward (furler, genoa, etc.).

All text, imaging, and formatting copyright 1999, 2000 Ray Henry / RCHDesigns