was browsing through my local Radio Shack and saw a really neat
item.This can be used with or without a "real" security
system on board.
is a security warning sticker thingy with a flashing LED in
the middle. Here is the package with the model number on it.
normally runs on two batteries, but that wasn't good enough
for me - nooooo. I wanted something that I didn't have to remeber
to keep fresh batteries in. Since I was ALREADY in Radio Shack,
I picked up a regulator.
wired the regulator and the some appropriately sized resistors
(instructions on the back of the regulator package) to a cigarette
lighter plug and it all fit in the back of the battery case
(after I made a cutout for the wire, of course).
I needed a way to put it on the window without ruining anything.
It normally has an adhesive (permanent, I guess) that sticks
to the interior of a window to make it visible from the front
used a piece of thin plexiglass (kind of hard to see in this
picture) and stuck the unit onto that. Now I can just slip the
whole thing down the window slot whenever I want it to be used.
measured it and it draws around 40 MICRO (yes, micro) amps (!)
when in use, so it can be left on basically forever.